IVG Tech Guide: ANOW/UWM

I uploaded my report and am receiving a submission error

If you try to deliver a report XML on Anow during business hours and you get a submission error message that you cannot resolve, please email info@impactvaluation.com ASAP with the XML and PDF attached so we can try to deliver the report for you. We will email you back to let you know we have delivered the report.

If you try to deliver a report on ANOW after hours or over the weekend, and you get a submission error message, please do the following:

  1. Email both the XML and PDF to UWM at appraisaldirect@uwm.com along with a screenshot of the error message.

    • In your email, please explain that you are attaching the report files because you were unable to deliver the report through the Anow platform. You must include a screenshot of the Anow error message you received or UWM will not manually upload your report.

  2. Email info@impactvaluation.com about the delivery error so we can submit the report when we return to the office. (You can CC info@impactvaluation.com when you email the files to UWM in Step 1.)

A common issue our appraisers encounter when using Anow: When you deliver the report XML on Anow, you may get a generic error message saying the delivery failed. If it doesn’t list a specific error, then the file likely went through and you will just have to email info@impactvaluation.com so we can mark the order complete. This can happen for regular reports, revised reports, and 1004Ds.

 There are 2 ways you can tell whether UWM received the report:


The label on the report says “Delivered.” (All XMLs submitted on Anow will have the “Revision” label, even if it’s not a revised report.)


The Payment section has a “Paid on” date and a Transfer Receipt. (This is not applicable when submitting revised files on Anow since UWM pays upon delivery of the first file.)