IVG Tech Guide: VL Connect

I already emailed about my order, why isn’t it showing in Connect yet?

Orders are manually entered into Connect by our office staff every morning & afternoon. We do our best to enter orders within 4 business hours of receiving them, but sometimes encounter delays. Please wait one full business day before sending the order again, and for quickest results, please send to Bekah (rebekah@impactvaluation.com) instead of the normal Connect inbox (for orders that have already been sent first to Connect & not entered in over a business day only). 

I left a message on my VL Connect order, why hasn’t the office staff done anything? 

Because of the high volume of automatic messages on orders, the office staff is not notified of new messages left on orders. If you need anything updated on an order, please message connect@impactvaluation.com.

I uploaded my report to Connect, why is the client saying they did not receive it? 

Most of our Connect orders are not linked to the client’s portals, so communication about the orders & uploading the final report must be done on the client's website. Only linked clients can access the reports uploaded to VL Connect.   

How can I tell if a client is linked? 

Signs that a client is linked are: 

  1. You originally accepted the order on Connect instead of from an outside client portal 

  2. The client’s engagement instructions are showing on the order (Fig 1).

  3. There are messages from the Client showing on the order (Fig 2).

Fig 1. Engagement instructions are showing.

Fig 2. Messages from the client are showing.

How can I see what orders I will be getting paid for on my next payroll? 

On the main Orders page of Connect, use the filter section to filter the date range for orders completed during the pay period (for Tier 1 appraisers, the 1st – 15th and 16th – EOM, for Tiers 2 & 3 weekly Sunday – Saturday). Press apply filter. We use Connect to download our accounting and payroll reports, so whatever is showing on that date range is what will be on the payroll. Each order also lists the appraiser fee for each order, so you can see what you will be paid for each order as well.